Background info below.
A personal assistant is a Proxy and a
pair of glasses is a Decorator. Use real-world metaphors to ramp up
on your design pattern education.
Creational Patterns
Abstract Factory (87)
- Imagine a manufacturer producing interior design parts ---
lights, cabinets, tables. The company produces each part in two
styles, and has a factory for each style: a Traditional Asian Factory
(ConcreteFactory1) and a Contemporary
European Factory (ConcreteFactory2). Both
provides exactly the same part types (e.g. a Door; AbstractProductA), but using completely
different methods to arrive at completely different styles (asked for
a "Door", the Traditional Asian Factory produces an oak door, ProductA1, while the Contemporary European
factory produces a steel door, ProductA2).
At any time, a Client will either be
designing a house in one of the two styles, so the client will simply
choose one factory and all requests will go there. The expectation
and requests will be exactly the same whether the client has chosen
Asian or European, with style-independent requests like "I'll have
three Desks and four Doors for each".
Builder (97)
- In manufacturing, a Director manages
the overall process (e.g. "get parts, run machine, test, deliver,
bill") and delegates product-specific detail to Builders. Detailed Builder
Example here.
Prototype (117)
- Dolly the Sheep, amoeba, and other clones. The researcher (Client) "requested" Dolly's mum (ConcretePrototype1) to produce a clone of herself.
- In a word processor, cut-and-paste some text. You now have a
separate, identical, copy, which you can modify.
Singleton (127)
- A monotheistic viewpoint argues God is a Singleton - to
quote the Highlander movie about a completely underlated topic,
"There can be only One".
- Scientists also have their version of Singleton: this
universe and its universal laws.
- Postmodern family structures aside, a child may view
Father as a singleton and Mother as another Singleton (one of each, even though both belong
to the same
Structural Patterns
Adapter (139)
- The name is a giveaway: a power adapter. A machine (Target) has a slot to provide power. There is
a power point (Adaptee). You know the
power point does what the machine needs, but they don't "know" about
each other, i.e. their creators did not directly design with the
other in mind. Furthermore, you can't change either of them. The
solution? Stick an Adapter in between them.
- Someone who translates between Japanese and English is
performing an Adapter role (I won't call
it an Interpreter, which is another pattern). When the Emperor of
Japan gets together with the President of the USA, neither has the
skill to speak in the others' language, and you can't change that! So
you stick an Interpreter (Adaptor) in
between them to pass messages between the two in terms they
Bridge (151)
- Utility industries such as telecommunications and power often
follow the Bridge pattern. A regulator
sets standards to allow interoperability and ensure
quality-of-service (Abstraction),
while companies (Implementors) are
flexible to use whatever means to satisfy this standard
Composite (163)
Note: Most recursive structures are examples of Composite.
- Many organisations structure their personnel around Composite patterns. When a manager is
requested to "report progress", he "loops" through each worker,
requesting them to "report progress", and combines the results.
Decorator (175)
- Many humans wrap Decorators around
themselves to enhance their input. Put on a pair of glasses, for
example, to intercecpt incoming light and provide modified light to
the eyes. The eyes still get the same kind of stuff - i.e. a stream
of light into the eyes - only the content of this stuff has
changed. A Decorator decorates - or
transforms - information, but it always outputs the same type as
came in. A pair of glasses would not be a Decorator if it converted light to sound or
smell. The eyes take in light, and will perform the same procedures
with light whether or not the Decorator is present. This
"transparent" property of Decorator is
what allows Decorators to be chained
- Terminator 2 demonstrates how we might one day enhance our vision
even further by slapping on a set of augmented reality glasses.
The guy in front of you - is he a predatory robot from the future
that you have been sent to destroy? What's his model number? Any
chance he could one day become a state governor? The augmented
overlay answers all this and more.
- You can decorate output too. Singers without musical ability,
such as boy bands and females "performers", use Decorators to filter their voices, leading
to something more closely resembling music. The interface, i.e. an
audio stream, remains the same, but the content undergoes a radical
improvement. It is common with musical instruments to apply a chain
of Decorators (low-pass filters,
high-pass filters, etc.) which the sound passes through.
Facade (185)
Flyweight (195)
- Some companies maintain a pool (Flyweight
Factory) of
flexible software developers (Flyweights), instead of
keeping developers always assigned to certain projects. When a
project needs work, one of the developers
(ConcreteFlyweight) is "awoken", briefed, and set to work
for a while, before being returned to the pool. The benefit is the
programmers can be shared across different projects; the downside is
a more complex process, as well as the overhead of frequent briefing
sessions. (Comment: this mode of working would fit better in Low Context
Proxy (207)
- A CEO's personal assistant (PA) acts as a Proxy when
negotiating an appoinment time. The PA provides the same interface
as the CEO would, (e.g. discussing the time on the telephone), and
may or may not delegate some questions to the CEO. But anyone
seeking an appointment may only talk to the PA and never to the
Behavioral Patterns
Chain of Responsibility (223)
Commmand (233)
- A General writes down a "Strike at Dawn" directive (Command) for his Lieutetant, with an
"Instructions" section (execute()
method). To streamline the process, all directives are
standardised, with a single Instructions section, so it can be
assumed that the Lieutetant can execute any Command he is supplied.
Interpreter (257)
- Human languages can be represented in the same way as the
computer languages that this pattern helps to parse. For instance,
the English sentence, "John stubbornly coded." is a
NonterminalExpression consisting of one
TerminalExpression, "John", and one
NonTerminalExpression, "stubbornly coded".
Iterator (257)
- You sit down at a full dinner table and the host wants to
introduce you to all the guests - what order does he use? In some
circumstances, he will simply go around the table; but if the
Overlord Dictator of the Central Galaxies Concern happens to be
sitting somewhere near the middle, perhaps he will prefer to
introduce in order of importance. The collection of people has a
fixed order, but the iteration strategy is flexible.
Mediator (273)
- A stock exchange acts as a Mediator. It mediates among
public companies, investors, government regulators, tax agencies, and
others (Colleagues). This limits (and sometimes eliminates),
direct interaction between these parties, so they are not very
tightly coupled to each other.
Memento (283)
- You create a simple calculator with Undo capability. It is not
enough to reverse operations, because some cause loss of information.
For example, the user types "6" then multiplies by "0". The current
value is now "0" and the previous operation was "multiplyBy(0)": Not
enough informatio to get our "6" back if the user wants to Undo. The
solution is to retain a Memento for
unreversable (and maybe more) operations.
- You (Caretaker) are about to head
abroad and move into your wealthy parents-in-law's vacation home for
six months (Originator state). You don't
really care what it's like now - all that matters is that it must be
restored to the same state when you leave. Before arriving, you
arrange for the house butler (Originator
behaviour) to take a photograph (Memento) so the place can be restored later,
and to send them to you for safekeeping. You retain the photos and
upon leaving, give them to the butler so he can restore the state of
the place. Note that you procured and stored the Memento, but never had to look at, or use, its
Observer (293)
- People (Observers) register to
discover when a website (Subject) has
been updated. A change to the website triggers a brief email to all
people who have registered simply telling them the website has
updated. If they want, they can see how it changed by surfing to the
website and inspecting its contents. This is a Pull model because only a change notification is
sent; the observer still has to inspect the subject to discover its
new state.
- People register themselves as magazine subscribers
(Observer). Then, each magazine (Subject) is sent to anyone who has
registered as a subscriber. This is a Push model because the
entire magazine is sent; no further inspection is required.
State (305)
- People's behaviour depends heavily on their emotional state
(State), even when all other factors are the same. If an
angry driver is overtaken, he might treat it as an invitation for a
spontaneous game of Grand Prix. If the same driver is in a good
mood, he might chuckle and ask why some people are in such a hurry.
The stimulus (input data) is the same in both cases, i.e. how do
you respond to a driver overtaking you? It is your current
State that dictates the response.
Strategy (315)
- A recipe is the archetypal Strategy.
Whether for Mississipi Mud Cake or Sauteed Giraffe Steak, the
structure and "interface" remains the same - you can query a menu for
ingredients, required appliances, and the steps to make it.
Template Method (325)
- You're sick of programming and decide to become a lion-tamer. You
must first sit an "animal-tamer" course, where you study alongside
would-be wolf-tamers and elephant-tamers. You each learn the
generic technique for associating an action with a command: (1)
wait for the animal to do something interesting, (2) shout the
corresponding command, (3) reward the animal. Another generic
technique involves building a rapport with the animal: (1) remain
at a distance, (2) wait for the animal to approach.
When you finish the course, you are an "abstract animal-tamer".
You have lots of generic techniques but you must plug in the gaps
with lion-specific information. For instance, how do "reward the
animal?". For a lion, you reward it by offering a nice animal to
eat. For an elephant, the answer will be completely different - who
knows, maybe you give the elephant an end-of-year bonus? In any
event, "reward the animal" is a template method. It is referenced
and relied upon by the high-level animal taming process, but cannot
actually be stated at that generic level. It can only be stated in
a manner specialised for each individual animal to be tamed.
Visitor (331)
Imagine you manage a ThemePark (ObjectStructure) with plenty of
Attractions (Elements) - Rides,
VideoGames, Restaraunts (ConcreteElements). Sometimes, you need
to arrange a visit to all Attractions.
For example, one type of "Visit Everywhere" would be to collect
cash once every two hours - performed by a
CashCollectingVisitor (ConcreteVisitor). Another type would be
to observe staff behaviour - performed by a covert
StaffObservingVisitor (a second ConcreteVisitor), maybe every few
months. These Visitors perform different tasks, but share a
common problem: how to traverse the park to visit all
Attractions. Thus, each Visitor is imbued with a mechanism for
visiting all Attractions, such as an ordered list or a set of
Each Visitor then differs in how it approaches the various
Attractions - so there is a concrete procedure for each
combination of (Visitor, Attraction). For example, what happens
when CashCollectingVisitor visits a VideoGame (CashCollectingVisitor.visitVideoGame())?
The concrete procedure is to open the game with a key and
collect the cash. What does StaffObservingVisitor do in the
same situation (StaffObservingVisitor.visitVideoGame())?
In this case, the concrete procedure is to do absolutely
nothing. But on visiting a Restaurant ((StaffObservingVisitor.visitRestaraunt()),
she will be very busy, as the procedure here is to
surreptitiously make an order, sit down and make notes while
sipping a cafe latte.
Background - About the Pattern Metaphors
The GoF
Patterns are at once utterly powerful and absurdly simple. Yet,
my experience indicates many pattern novices grasp neither their power nor
their simplicity. A likely reason is lack of experience with
object-oriented architectures. Many pattern learners are students who have
not felt the pain of a complex system that has been mis-architected.
Many others have sadly worked on systems so mis-architected that the
confused tangle of code offered no afforances as to where patterns might
prove useful.
It's useful to complement software design
patterns with stories from the real-world. Many of the GoF patterns
do apply to real-world structures - structures of human organisations, work
practices, buildings, towns, and so on. People
learning patterns can relate to these things, so why not exploit the
associations to improve learning? Amazing how even expert
software developers are prone to discuss ideas in terms of real-life
metaphors. In fact, some of the best architects I know frequently
anthropomorphise their software when explaining how it works: "So this
guy sends the message to him, but he's busy so he says 'send it
later, or send it to one of my delegates now if you want'".
Here, I present examples of real-world metaphors based on the GoF
patterns. A good exercise for learners is to think of your own. In a
learning context, the patterns can even be acted out. It might seem a bit
funny, but activities like that are examples of elaborate learning, meaning
you remember them.
For ease of reference, the patterns are listed in the same order as the
text. However, if you are learning the patterns, I recommend learning the
patterns in this more
effective order.

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